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IA- Immaginazione Applicata


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Tools and techniques: Experiencing with some specific tools that can be used systematically and deliberately to see, think, do and generate new ideas.
FOUNDATION: I can assemble objects that create value for me and others. I can improve existing products, services and processes so that they better meet my needs or those of my peers and the community.
INTERMEDIATE: I can identify the basic functions that a prototype should have to illustrate the value of my idea. I can assemble, test and progressively refine prototypes that simulate the value I want to create.
ADVANCED: I can create (alone or with others) products or services that solve my problems and my needs. I can develop and deliver value in stages, launching with the core features of my (or my team’s) idea and progressively adding more.
EXPERT: I can apply different design approaches to create value through new products, processes or services. I can design and put in place innovative processes to create value.

Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Find possible solutions to overcome/solve the problems identified, related to the three points of view.


IA- Immaginazione Applicata