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IA- Immaginazione Applicata


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"Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity, not a threat." Steve Jobs
Innovation is the applicative dimension of an invention or discovery. Being innovative means having a mental attitude that has to do with change and bringing novelties that change, mostly for the better, the state of something or someone existing.

FOUNDATION I can find examples of innovative products, services and solutions. I can describe how some innovations have transformed society.
INTERMEDIATE I can tell the difference between types of innovations (for example, process versus product innovation and social innovation, incremental versus disruptive innovation). I can judge if an idea, product or process is innovative or just new to me.
ADVANCED I can describe how innovations diffuse in society, culture and the market. I can describe different levels of innovation (for example, incremental, breakthrough or transformational) and their role in value-creating activities.
EXPERT I can identify the steps needed to research the potential for an innovative idea in light of its development into an existing enterprise, a new venture or an opportunity for social change. I can manage innovation processes that respond to emerging needs and make the most of opportunities as they become available.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Find innovative solutions to overcome/solve the identified problems. Use the SWOT Matrix to support the process


IA- Immaginazione Applicata