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Protecting devices

Badge informationEndorsements
The badge holder has demonstrated dedicated and competent mastery of the competency Security: Securing Devices. With pride, he or she can demonstrate the following results and skills:

Securing devices and digital content and understanding risks and threats in digital environments. Having knowledge of security measures and considering reliability and privacy.

At the most advanced and specialized level, I can:
  • Find solutions to complex problems with many interacting factors related to securing devices and digital content, monitoring risks and threats, applying security measures, and reliability and privacy in digital environments;
  • recommend new ideas and processes for the domain.
(c) DigComp 2.2

These achievements have been recognized and rewarded in consultation with the badge holder by the coach and supervisor who issued the badge as a sign of the badge holder's achievements.
Whether you as the reader of this badge are an employer looking for a person with digital skills or someone who wants to demonstrate and strengthen their skills, this badge is a clear indication of digital knowledge and skills.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Make a plan with your coach on which tasks you will undertake to master the following skills:
  • finding solutions to complex problems with many interacting factors related to the security of devices and digital content, monitoring risks and threats, applying security measures and considering reliability and privacy in digital environments; recommending new ideas and processes for the domain.

Examples for developing these skills:
  • When it comes to digital security and safety, there are many factors to consider. There are countless threats, from hackers trying to gain access to your data to malware that can infect your device. Therefore, it is important to stay up to date on the latest security technologies and practices.
  • A practical way to practice these skills is by placing yourself in a realistic scenario where you have to protect your devices and digital content from threats and risks. This could mean, for example, protecting your device from a phishing attack or solving a virus infection.
  • You can also recommend new ideas and processes for the domain by experimenting with new security technologies and practices and researching which ones are most effective. Perhaps you discover, for example, that using a password manager reduces the risk of data leaks, or that using two-factor authentication significantly increases the security of your accounts.
  • By practicing and experimenting in this way, you can not only improve your own digital security, but also discover new insights and solutions that can be valuable to others in the domain of digital security and safety.

But it doesn't stop there - increase the value of your badge by adding your learning process and achievements to your badge. This allows potential employers to gain a better understanding of your digital skills.

