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Participation in training course "Mendeley: a tool for information management"

This badge is awarded for participation in the training course "Mendeley: a tool for information management" organised by VILNIUS TECH Library. During the event, the participants were introduced to the bibliographic records management software "Mendeley". The participants learned how to install the Mendeley software, create an account, upload, save and manage records, cite literature and compile reference lists. Competences acquired:
  • Scientific literacy
  • Analytical reasoning
  • Media and AI information literacy
  • Communication
You have to finish all tasks to get the badge
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Participate in the training course "Mendeley: a tool for information management" organised by the VILNIUS TECH Library. The training dates are published on the VILNIUS TECH website. Please write the date of the training you attended.
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Task no.2
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
This activity badge is issued after participating in the training and answering the following question: List the information management tools you are familiar with. Please indicate the purpose(s) of their use.
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Interest categories

Analytical thinking
Scientific literacy
Media and AI literacy


#Science and inovations