Claim a badge
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Student to student consultant on academic subject

The digital badge is awarded for at least 3 hours of student to student consultations. Its recipient shared his/her expertise and supported other VILNIUS TECH students to better understand and master the material of a specific study module or its topic, to prepare for test or the exam. Badge owner also received positive feedback from the students he consulted. Competences acquired:
  • Critical thinking and problem solving
  • Communication
  • Cooperation and teamwork
  • Leadership
  • Initiative and accountability
  • Time management
The badge evidences were assessed and approved by VILNIUS TECH Academic Support Centre.
You have to finish all tasks to get the badge
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Deliver at least 3 academic hours (135 min) of counselling to other VILNIUS TECH students who need support in learning a specific study module or its parts. As evidence, please provide the following information for each consultation you provided (name and surname of the person you consulted, consultation date, time (from ... to), topic, location, 1-2 photos of you and your mentee. In case of remote sessions please provide screenshots proving the duration and topic of consultations.

The task is completed after the VILNIUS TECH Academic Support Centre confirms you evidence
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Task no.2
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Provide positive feedback from students who have benefited from your assistance (e.g. upload a picture of a message or email).

The task is completed after the VILNIUS TECH Academic Support Centre confirms you evidence. Both tasks should be completed to get a digital badge.
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Interest categories

Time management
Critical thinking and problem-solving
Collaboration and teamwork
Initiative and accountability


#Knowledge and experience dissemination