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VILNIUS TECH Career Day "GRAVITY" participant

This digital badge is given for participation in VILNIUS TECH Career Day "GRAVITY", which took place on 18 April 2024. Event attendees had opportunity to meet representatives of almost 100 businesses, explore career opportunities they offer, listen to inspiring presentations and discussions: Lithuanian Railways "Time to forget what you knew about railways?" (V. Bitinas), FL Technics "From landing a plane for repairs to take-off - Where does your career fit?", EPAM Systems "Simulation of an interview at a global company to prepare for challenges and simplify complexities" (V. Karalevičius), Southwestern Advantage "Principles of success as young professional" (R. Davis), Grigeo "Myths and Realities" (M. Skierus), "The Most Desirable Skills on the Labour Market" (G. Žlibinienė, Ignitis Group; R. Jaščemskas, Lithuanian Game Developers Association; D. Snieška, VILNIUS TECH Alumni Club, Scania Lietuva). Competences acquired:
  • Communication
  • Time management
  • Analytical thinking
  • Creativity
  • Ethics and social responsibility
  • Initiative and accountability
  • Internationalism and interculturality
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
To get this digital badge, please start a mission, add evidences and send them for approval. Tasks to do:
  • write which faculty you are studying at;
  • write the company you would like to work for;
  • upload at least one photo from the event confirming your participation in any of the discussions (two of the discussions are provided in English)

Check the full program of the event and job offers provided by participating companies at 
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Interest categories

Time management
Analytical thinking
Sustainability and social responsibility
Initiative and accountability
Internationalization and intercultural skills


#Event participant