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Participant of 14th International Conference "TRANSBALTICA 2023: Transportation Science and Technology"

This badge is awarded for participation in the 14th International Conference – TRANSBALTICA 2023: Transportation Science and Technology" held at VILNIUS TECH. The conference took place on 14-15 September 2023. Topics covered at the conference included Intelligent Vehicles and Infrastructure, Combustion in Engines, Alternative Technologies, Energy Management and Emissions, Vehicle Engineering and Dynamics, Logistics and Transportation, Railway Transport . Competences acquired:
  • Scientific literacy
  • Analytical thinking
  • Engineering thinking
  • Communication
  • Internationality and cultural awareness

Conference partners: Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania, JSC Girteka Logistics, Transport Innovation Association, Springer Nature AG.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Participate in the international scientific conference "Transbaltica 2023: Transport Science and Technology" at VILNIUS TECH. The conference tooks place on 14-15 September 2023. The badge is issued by scanning the QR code or by email.

Interest categories

Internationalization and intercultural skills
Engineering thinking
Analytical thinking
Scientific literacy


#Event participant
#Science and inovations