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Participant of scientific conference "Innovative Rapid Application Development"

This badge is awarded for participation in the 1st International Conference "Innovative Rapid Application Development", which was held on 03/04/2024. The research presented at the conference focused on different models, methods and tools for Rapid Application Development (RAD); practical applications of digital business and intelligent systems; RAD learning in higher education. The event also included a keynote speech "Low Code - Modern Application Development" given by the guest speaker Piotr Kurzynoga.
  • Competences acquired:
  • Scientific literacy
  • Analytical thinking
  • Communication
  • Internationality and cultural awareness
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Digital content creation, programming
  • Media and AI information literacy
The conference was funded by the Erasmus+ KA220-HED project "Embracing rapid application development (RAD) skills opportunity as a catalyst for employability and innovation"
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Participate in the VILNIUS TECH International Scientific Conference ""Innovative Rapid Application Development" ". The badge is issued by scanning the QR code.

Interest categories

Internationalization and intercultural skills
Analytical thinking
Scientific literacy
Digital content creation, programming
Media and AI literacy


#Science and inovations
#Event participant