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Migration: Challenge yourself!


Migration: Challenge yourself!



Since the earliest times, humanity has been on the move. Some people move in search of work or economic opportunities, to join family, or to study. Others move to escape conflict, persecution, terrorism, or human rights violations. Still others move in response to the adverse effects of climate change, natural disasters, or other environmental factors.
Today, more people than ever live in a country other than the one in which they were born. According to the IOM World Migration Report 2020, as of June 2019 the number of international migrants was estimated to be almost 272 million globally, 51 million more than in 2010. Nearly two thirds were labour migrants. International migrants comprised 3.5 per cent of the global population in 2019. This compared to 2.8 per cent in 2000 and 2.3 per cent in 1980. While many individuals migrate out of choice, many others migrate out of necessity.

In this playlist, we want to take a closer look to these topics summarised by "migration". Check out all four activities to get more information, challenge yourself and discuss about it with others!

This way you can participate in the playlist and the individual activities:

  • Log in (or create a free account if you are using the platform for the first time).
  • Click on "participate" in the playlist. The playlist is now saved in your account and you can view your progress.
  • Look at the individual activities in the playlist. Click on participate to start the activity. Read through the activity and engage with the tasks and learning experiences. You will find all the websites and documents mentioned under 'materials' in the activity.
  • For each activity you complete, you will receive a digital badge: upload a proof, e.g. a photo or a screenshot, or write your answer to a question in the text field.

Activities to complete

Complete the following activities, earn badges and you will see your playlist progress updated
Migration: Learn more
30 minutes
View full activity


Syrian Journey is a digital project that explores the exodus of the Syrian people. It is composed of three parts: a ‘newsgame’; survivor’s stories; and discussion about #WhatWouldYouTake. The project aims to bring the audience closer to the plight of Syrian refugees in an interactive and creative way.
The routes, options and outcomes in this Syrian Journey feature were based on real stories uncovered by extensive research as part of a BBC Arabic digital project exploring migration from Syria.

Follow this link to play the game and choose your own escape route as a Syrian refugee!

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Migration: Syrian Journey Get this badge

The owner of this badge

  • took part in the digital project "Syrian Jorney"
  • took own decisions in the "game" and reflected on them
  • went deep into the topic of migration to understand it better
You have to finish all tasks to get the badge
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
What did you feel while "playing" the game and taking decisions? Was it difficult for you to take the decisions? How did you take them?

Leave your answers in the text field.
Task no.2
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
What was the outcome of "your story"? What do you think about this end?

Leave your answers in the text field.
Activities: 4
Started: 10
Completed playlist: 0
Time to complete: 2 hours 45 minutes


Challenge accepted - Europe