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GameOn: Game Design Steps for Inclusion


GameOn: Game Design Steps for Inclusion



This playlist aims to help you learn about game design. Especially if you are an educator who wants to apply a game design process as an educational tool, it will guide you through the different steps to follow. It pretends to be a resource to reinforce a good implementation of this tool, promoting social inclusion and critical thinking among the participants.

It addresses the power of games, how to use them as an educational tool, how to be a good supporter in game design processes, the skills required and the different ways to use the tool. In addition, from the Game On project we focus on the relationship between game design and inclusion. The entire last section addresses how games and processes can be inclusive, what competencies for inclusion can be developed and how to achieve this.

Complete playlist activities to learn about:
1. Games
1.1 The power of games
1.2 Games and their characteristics
1.3 GBL, gamification and game design
2. Facilitating a game design process
2.1 Steps
2.2 Dynamization of a game design process
2.3 Facilitating competences
3. Methodology models of game design as an educational tool (MeMos)
4. Games and inclusion
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Inclusive and exclusive games
4.3 Game design for inclusion
4.4 Competencies about inclusion developed through game design

Follow the next playlist activities to develop your understanding of game design for inclusion.


The international partnership “GameOn” created this playlist to promote inclusion, participation and critical thinking through game design. Learn more about this partnership here.

Expert partners:

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Activities to complete

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GameOn: Games. The power of games
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Game On project identified 12 key social inclusion competences during the development of the methodology models and the mapping of European good practices to promote social inclusion through game design with the participation of young people.

Personal competences
  • Creativity: Capacity to generate new ideas and concepts from associations between known ideas and concepts. Creativity allows providing new solutions to challenges, problems and situations.
  • Resilience: Capacity to overcome adversity while being flexible enough to creatively adapt to change. Resilience helps transform difficulties into opportunities for learning, growth and development.
  • Problem solving: Capacity to accurately analyse a situation, assess its possibilities and identify a positive solution.
  • Adaptability: Capacity to modify the behaviour with positive vision and adapt to different situations and people quickly, appropriately and without fears.
  • Communication: Capacity to interact efficiently and assertively with other people or groups to exchange information. This capacity also includes active listening and promotion of positive relations.
  • Critical thinking: Capacity to widen the perspective of individuals’ realities, questioning one’s beliefs, ways of acting and given realities.

Social competences
  • Collaboration: The capacity of working cooperatively with others to get something done, to achieve a common purpose or mutual benefit. This competence includes teamwork and accepting feedback.
  • Involvement: Capacity to support and implement decisions, commitment to achieving common goals and fulfil the commitments unertaken.
  • Respect: Capacity to accept oneself and the others, to identify and recognize individual differences without discrimination and act under the premise that all people have the same rights. This competence includes the capacity to build trusting relationships based on honest behavior.
  • Empathy: Capacity to understand another’s feelings, difficulties, wishes, motivations and behaviors and to re-experience them yourself without judgement.
  • Democratic decision making: Capacity to choose one or another option in a joint and consensual way with other people and accept the result. This capacity includes the positive assessment of the values and opinions of others and the search for the common good above the individual good.
  • Active citizenship practices: Capacity to interpret social phenomena and problems, interact with other people and groups according to established norms to promote their solution and act to promote democratic values.

While these competences are the ones we’ve discovered through analyzing different game design practices in education, not every process of creating a game with a group of young people will lead to development of all of them. When preparing to dive into creating games with groups, you can focus on one or several of them.

To reflect on those competences, Game On has developed a gamified tool to evaluate the evolution of the social inclusion competencies of the young participants in a game design process. The tool, Incluship, allows young people to be the protagonists and aware of this evolution, with the guidance of the project facilitator.


The international partnership “GameOn” created this playlist to promote inclusion, participation and critical thinking through game design. Learn more about this partnership here.

Expert partners:

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

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GameON: Games and inclusion. Competencies about inclusion developed through game design Get this badge

Owners of this badge learned more about the competencies about inclusion developed through game design and reflected upon their own experience.

This activity is part of the wider educational effort of the international partnership “GameOn” to promote inclusion, participation and critical thinking through game design. Learn more about this partnership here.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: self-approved
Read the text and learn more about the different skills for inclusion that are promoted through game design. What techniques do you know to promote some of these skills? For example, creativity? If you don't know any technique, please search the internet and share it.


#teamwork approaches
#promote inclusion
#work for social inclusion
#facilitate creativity in the team
#problem solving
#create game rules
#collaborate for social inclusion
#social pedagogy
#formulate game rules
#facilitate groups for social service users
#operate games
#develop activities to educate
#explain game rules
#engage participants
#game rules
#collaborate for social inclusion
#use learning strategies
#work for social inclusion
#social pedagogy
Activities: 10
Started: 18
Completed playlist: 0


GameOn - Game Design for Inclusion