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BlogOpen badgesExplore characteristics of Open Badges
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Open badges

Explore characteristics of Open Badges

2 Aug, 20:13
Open digital badges is a new online standard to recognise learning and achievements. Compared to other traditional credentials, such as certificates, diplomas or degrees, open digital badges introduce new characteristics:


Open digital badges can be used in a variety of learning and working contexts, both online and offline, to motivate, recognise and verify any type of achievements.


Open digital badges act as micro-credentials. They visualise learning paths, show progress, specify achievements. Badges can be organised in groups according categories.


Open digital badges have possibility to embed any type of evidence to verify learning and achievements claimed by the badge earner. Badge evidence enables ePortfolio solutions.


Open digital badges may include self-assessment, peer review or issuer assessment options. Badge issuer decides on the type of assessment to verify badge achievement and evidence.


Open digital badges are easy to share anywhere on the web. Badge earners can share their achievements on social networks, blogs, ePortfolios and add badge links to CV.


Open digital badges can be downloaded and imported to other platforms that uses the same Open Badges technical standard. Badge metadata is automatically loaded and displayed.